**Do not panic, the color will lighten about 20%**
**Shape will also get thinner in 1 week by about 20%
Day1: Clean the area with cotton and clean water or aftercare wipes every hour for 5 times
Day 2: Clean the area with cotton and clean water or aftercare wipes 1 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon, 1 in the evening
Day 3-7: Apply ointment on the are 1-3 times/ Day. (Oily skin do not apply anything)
End of first week:
Within 4 weeks, the final effect of your permanent makeup will be obtained.
Always wash and dry hands prior to touching your face and performing your aftercare during the healing process. Always use a fresh Q-tip to apply your ointment and never reuse a cotton Q-tip. With all Permanent Cosmetics, the color will appear 20%-40% darker for the first few days. It will take about a week for the color to settle in and the swelling to have settled and healing to complete. Any adjustment to color or shape can be made on the touch up visit after 6 weeks.